Health issues associated with energy drinks

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Researchers have found out that energy drinks can lead to mental health problems, alcohol and drug abuse in teenagers.

According to Mail Online ‘A teenager’s heart stopped three times after drinking 10 Jagermeister spirit mixed with Red Bull. According to the medics as the alcohol wore off, the high levels of caffeine in her system took control of her heart rate – causing it to accelerate dangerously out of control.

The research which was published in the journal Preventive Medicine, found that students prone to depression – and those who smoke marijuana or drink alcohol – are more likely to consume energy drinks.

Researchers at the University of Michigan reported that teenagers who drink energy drinks are much more likely to also drink alcohol and use drugs. They are also more likely to start smoking.

Energy drinks have been associated with a number of negative health effects, including cardiovascular symptoms, sleep impairment and nervousness and nausea. The side effects are caused by the beverages’ high concentration of caffeine.

The researchers from the University of Waterloo and Dalhousie University in Canada, are calling for limits on teens’ access to the drinks and reduction in the amount of the caffeine in each can.’

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