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White Rabbits‘, apparently you’re supposed to say ‘white rabbits’ at the beginning of every month, not sure what it means though. I can’t believe it’s already 1st of December OMG I need to do a proper audit on myself, it sound weird but I surely need to look back and see what I have achieved or failed on this year but above all I’m counting my blessings and be thankful to God for everything.

So back to the topic above, ‘Giveaway’ to be honest it has been well overdue, I had planned to give one of my readers a giveaway a while back but I didn’t get round to it. So here we are, I have this amazing Android tablet that I’m giving away to anyone/anywhere in the world. Here are the conditions, if interested in winning it.

  1. Drop me an email @
  2. Like AlwandBlog page on facebook
  3. Follow me on twitter
  4. Follow me on Digg
  5. Optional: Comment on any of the articles on my blog
  6. Get your friends to like AlwandBlog on facebook and follow it on twitter – for more chances of you or your friends to win it (Let me know who you have referred to)… spread the word
  7. Closing date: 22nd Dec 2011 just on time for Christmas depending on who wins it or might extend it to 29th Dec 2011 depending on the number of people I get interested in winning it
  8. Goodluck
More details of Android tablet very soon

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