How to sew a pair of shorts

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I bought a sewing machine end of last year in the hope that I will teach myself how to sew in the little spare time that I have. It has been quite a challenge but a few months ago I made these pair of shorts with the help of YouTube clips.

I made the pattern on pieces of paper then I placed it on the fabric. I cut the fabric according to the pattern I made earlier. You will end up with two front and two back patterns. Hem the sides of the front and back part of the shorts folding 3/4 “on both pieces and sew.

Front pattern: Flip one of the pieces on top so the outside of the shorts are facing each other then start sewing. Hem the sides of the front and back part of the shorts folding 3/4 “on both pieces and sew.

Back pattern: Sew the same way as the front pattern, so as to end up with these pieces

Join the front and back pieces together by laying the pieces onto each other with the outside of the shorts facing each other

Add an elastic band

There is my pair of shorts not perfect yet, there’s still room for improvement. For now I will just have to wear these ones indoors only until I make my next perfect one.

Below is a youtube clip on how to make the shorts enjoy



Hope you enjoyed the tutorial{jcomments on}

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