Part 1: Top marketing tips for a successful business

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1. Get a Website 

We are amazed by the number of businesses that do not have their own sites considering that this is the 21st century and people nowadays go online to search for products or services

Top-marketing-tips-for-a-successful-business, Search Engine Optimization, Top marketing tips for a successful business,  Top marketing tips for a successful brand,  Top marketing tips, tips for a successful business, get a website, get a website for your business, social media, powerful marketing tool

1. Get a Website 

We are amazed by the number of businesses that do not have their own sites considering that this is the 21st century and people nowadays go online to search for products or services. We recommend you also employ Search Engine Optimization to make sure your site is also easily discoverable. You would be doing your business a great disservice by not investing in a good and presentable website. Also when setting up your website, avoid making it clumsy and dull, remember that first impression is EVERYTHING!

2. Social Media

Just like the website, social media has become a very powerful marketing tool especially in the last 10 years. Sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. provide a unique platform to reach customers far and wide. Create your own custom business page on these sites and use it to target your customers.

3. Encourage employee-client interaction

There's a popular saying, "charity begins at home". This is very true in this case as you cannot expect to start a marketing campaign without carrying your employees along. One of the biggest problems I faced as a manager of a big company was encouraging my staff to interact with clients on a consistent basis. It took time and patience to make this a new company culture but eventually it worked out and the rewards in terms of new clients and client retention made it worth the effort.

4. Member Referral Program

A member referral program is a powerful strategy to attract new clients to your business .The key with the member referral program is that it must be easy otherwise people won’t do it!

It could be a “Refer a friend “program which rewards them with your business products or service each time they refer someone who successfully patronizes your business.

The above tips are very easy to implement and we guarantee that these strategies will go a long way toward increasing your client base whilst retaining your current clients.

Author: Chinwe Azikiwe

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