How to shop for vintage clothes: Vintage hunting

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As I promised on my last post that I was going to tell you guys about My visit to the Vintage Fair. Actually this is the third time I have attended a Vintage fair and every time I've attended the fair I have been a little bit disappointed.




They were alot of dresses, and you'all know I am not a dress person and most stuffs were really out of my budget.

However I managed to get a necklace,  glasses. alove  heart keyring and

rings (I am a sucker for rings).


I have come up with a few tips for vintage hunting, hope this helps.

1) Find out about the vintage stores in your area.

2) Have a budget in mind – this will stop you from spending alot of money

3) Know what you want – make a list of what you want and try and follow it through.  With a general knowledge of what you want, it makes shopping easier because you can scan the store and let the things you want pop out.

4) Be prepared to look/dig until you find  what you're looking for – be willing to lift, move & dig in.

look and keep on looking

5) Try it on to see how it looks on you

6) Don't write off the extra large shirts or skirts on the rail- choose items for what they could be, you can make an extra large shirt look smaller or by hemming a skirt. The key is to buy things from a vintage store and repurpose it. Think creatively because everything can be altered, layered, or turned into and entirely different piece of fabulous clothing.

good for hemming

7) Anticipate suprises – Although it's good to go in with a plan and a list of what you want always keep an open mind for things that you stumble upon.

8) Make sure you go with cash because a lot of thrift stores don't take debit/credit cards.

10) Keep personal style in mind since it's easy to forget what you'll actually wear and get excited about something that looks cool on the rack, but isn't when you get it home.

11) Haggle or at least try. Be open to haggling or bartering for a better deal. The worst they can say is no

12)  Don't forget accessories. Thrift stores are great for belts, scarves, hats, bags and jewelry.

13) Wash everything before you wear it. Usually thrift stores do this with donations before putting them on the rack but you don't know who tried on just before you bought it.

go for brands

14) Look for brand names as these are items that are usually high quality and made to last.

15) Be patient because shopping can wear the nerves thin, especially in an often hectic and disorganized space like a thrift store.

patience is a virtue

16) If you're the indecisive type bring friends with you who can help  keep perspective on what's a good find, and what looks cool only because you're in a hip thrift shop

Hope the above tips helps.



What do you guys think about my purchases? I really can't wait to wear the glasses, rings and the necklace




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