Yesterday I was reading the sun news paper and I came across this article which was talking about relationships. And this is how they defined relationships, which I found it funny: ‘Cougar OLDER woman who dates younger blokes. Example: Demi Moore, 49. The star was wed to actor Ashton Kutcher, 34, for six years. They are divorcing. A WOMAN who dates young men – but she is not as old as a cougar. Puma Example: TV’s Caroline Flack, 32, dated One Direction’s Harry Styles, now 18. They have split. A YOUNGER man dated by a cougar. Cub Example: TV star Nick Cannon, 31, who has been married to singer Mariah Carey, 41, for three years. They have twins.
Rat SOMEONE who cheats on partner. Example: Mark Owen. The 40-year-old Take That star confessed in The Sun in 2010 that he had cheated on wife Emma with ten women.’ |
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