Things people don’t tell you about giving birth

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These are some of the raw truth that people don’t tell you about giving birth.

truth-about-child-birthThese are some of the raw truth that people don’t tell you about giving birth.

The contractions are so painful: It will hurt like hell. The contractions are so painful and even though you decide to have the epidural, you would have still have felt some pain before the epidural kicks in or when it wears off. Kudos to women who don’t take any pain relief, but remember this is not for the faint-hearted. If you don’t have the stomach for it, just take what the doctors or midwives offer you to relieve pain. As soon as you hold that little precious baby of yours, you will forget the pain and you will know it was all worth it.

The water/amniotic fluid might not break just once: Yes that’s right, the water don’t break like the way we see it in movies. The water/amniotic fluid will keep on trickling during and even after you have given birth.

The doctor may cut your perineum to get the baby out or your baby might be vacuumed out: This doesn’t happen all the time but if your baby is in distress and your contractions are irregular, the doctor might decide to cut your perineum and also to vacuum the baby out. You will probably need stitches:

Yes after giving birth a water melon size of a baby you may probably need stitches. These stitches may take several weeks to heal, but worry not they will heal even though they can be painful at times. Make sure you keep the area clean to avoid infection. Use a peri/squirt bottle to squirt warm water onto your intimate area to keep it clean.

You may feel like the bleeding will never stop: Yes that is just one of the aftermath of giving birth. You just can’t believe the amount of blood that will be coming out of you. You might bleed for up to to 6 weeks, that’s normal and maxi pads will be your best friend to deal with post birth bleeding.

Breastfeeding might hurt and the first few days you might not be producing any milk: You might think as soon as they give you, your baby your breast milk will be gushing out. But that’s not the case as you might just manage to squeeze a tiny droplet of milk. Breastfeeding hurts like hell especially when your baby has not latch on properly. There’s plenty of help out there on how to breastfeed so don’t be shy to seek help.

Birth plan doesn’t always work: You might spend hours writing your birth plan, but most of the time you won’t follow it. Go with the flow. By the way if you’re thinking of having your baby in a pool, that too might not happen as the pool works on first come first served basis and if you develop any complications, you won’t see the inside of the pool.

Your private parts will be exposed and you won’t feel embarrassed at all: Yes your private parts will be a public property. The number of hands that will go through your private part to see if you have dilated or not you wont believe it. Oh and if anything seems to be going wrong, a dozen people will be on standby to jump into action.

You forget all the pain after holding your baby: Yes as soon as you hold your baby, you forget about the pain and the exhaustion and its now all about the baby.

You might have piles/ haemorrhoids: Due to all the pushing you have done you might have piles/haemorrhoids. They are painful and will go disappear after sometime.

Most likely you will go through it again.

When ic comes to child birth everyone has their own experience, you might experience all or a few of the mentioned things above. Do share your thoughts with us abouth the truth of child birth

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