How to make a wall art using cardboard tube

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Hi guys, hope y’all had a lovely weekend, mine was a relaxing one.  Walls in my room have been looking awfully bare, so I decided to do a little DIY project over the weekend. This DIY is really easy, cheap and looks pretty good once it’s finished.

…continue to learn this DIY



What you'll need: Toilet paper rolls (the number you need depends on what design you decide on for your project, mine I used 2 rolls), glue, paint (I didn’t have paint so I used marker pens to colour my rolls lol), bobby pins.


  • Crush your toilet paper rolls in half and cut it crossway, you can measure the distance between each petal cut if you want; I did an estimation for mine.


  • I coloured the petal pieces using a black, green and red marker pen before gluing them together (If you have paint you can skip this step and spray paint after gluing the petals together.
  • Begin gluing the petals together depending on what kind of pattern you’re after; I used three petals for my design.


  • Use the bobby pins to hold the petal pieces together; this gives the glue between each petal a chance to dry
  • Since 3 petal flower shapes were the base for my design, this is how it looked like after I glued them.
  • I joined the petals together and ended up with this design

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