Apple launched its iPhone in the UK yesterday. Thousands of people worldwide queued for hours outside mobile phone stores hopefully to buy the desired new iPhone 4.
The iPhone 4 has a new front-facing camera which let users to speak face-to-face on Face Time application-only works over Wi-Fi and to other iPhone 4 users; it also got a new sharp screen, improved battery life and a better camera. The phone cost ridiculous amount of £480.
I gave up on phones long time ago; you just can’t catch up with technology, every day they keep on making new stuffs. I am just happy with what I got, after all communication is the only thing that matters who will know I am using an iPhone or not lol
While others were patiently queuing outside phone stores, Rihanna didn’t have to go to such extreme. Rihanna and her boyfriend Matt Kemp simply walked into Los Angeles phone store and upgraded his old iPhone to iPhone 4.
Rihanna and Matt Kemp leaving an AT&T store in Westwoon, LA yesterday